Parenting With Mental Illness - Linette

This channel is to help other parents with mental illness and for those who also have children with disabilities. My name is Linette and I am a single 44-year-old mom of three children. My oldest is 22 she's a high functioning autistic with mental health. My son is 15 years old he is a high functioning autistic with mental health. The baby is 6 years old. She is good to go, I am doing this alone with no support system or family and it is a struggle but it's been a bigger struggle since COVID-19. I hope I can help others and maybe create a support group so we can support each other when we need it. I am a Certified Health and Life Coach. I specialize in being a Life Coach for Parents. Providing them the support we all need especially when dealing with situations that can make you or break you. I use my life lessons to help other parents.
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