Several years ago someone I loved very much described me as a “Free Spirit”. I’m actually very comfortable with that description, it allows me to be different, eclectic, unusual and sometimes even strange and still fall within the normal parameters acceptable to today’s society. I have found, through many years of experience that the Universe has a plan for all of us, and that life is much easier if we choose to flow with that plan as it presents itself to us in everyday life. Never having been one to flow easily with the “unseen”, I have been dragged kicking and yes, sometimes even screaming, along my pathway that, they tell me, I had a part in creating. As the years roll by I have found that the journey is constantly unfolding and revealing to me greater potential and possibilities than I could have ever imagined. I welcome all of you to share in my journey, and all the amazing magic that is constantly a result of my travels.


Shared 1 month ago



Shared 3 months ago