For Maria,
Throughout our lives, many people come and go,
But on that beautiful day when you came into mine,
Everything changed so much for me as you know.
I felt a love for you, like none other before,
Youre love for me opened whole new doors
I believe it was destiny which brought us together,
We fell so much in love, with one another.
We share a very special kind of love,
The kind only given by the Lord above
I think of you each morning when I arise,
It is with you my love, where my heart lies.
The love we share can not be denied,
I promise to love you for the rest of my life
But until that wonderful day comes, my dove,
Ill be waiting for you, my only true love.
For I know its our destiny to one day be together
To live our lives happily, in love with each other
Shared 7 months ago
Shared 7 months ago
Shared 10 months ago