"-You will be the death of me. And I of you."
→Morgane, or Morgana if you want ! (June 14th)
» Icone: mine
» header : Kiwiichann
»Favorites couple: Harry+Hermione, Clarke+Lexa, Sarah+Zach, Gus+Hazel, Damon+Elena, Caroline+Klaus, Arthur+Gwen, Francis+Mary, Louis+Mary, Peeta+Katniss,, Scott+Allison, Roman+Emery, Emma+Hook, Kol+Davina, Doctor+Rose.
»Ships: Harry Potter, Merlin, The 100, The Vampire Diaries, Hunger Games, Teen Wolf, Reign, The Originals, OUAT, Doctor Who, Star Crossed, OITNB, The Mortal Instruments, PLL, The Carrie Diaries, Faking it.
»Favorite song: Let her go - Passenger
Shared 8 years ago