I Give You SNKRS

If you love sneakers as much as I do, you have arrived in the right place.
I will unbox, review and give my opinion on sneakers I like and that do tell a story. Any suggestion is highly appreciated. Thank you!

In all of my videos I express my own personal opinion, based on the research I do, and conclusions I draw from using the sneakers myself. Even if any entity would sponsor any content I make, the money won't go towards influencing what I have to say, but merely to bring up what they have to offer, and only after testing the product myself and reaching the "decent product" verdict.

For suggestions or any other sneakers-related matters: igiveyousnkrs@gmail.com
For Sneakers Updates/Issues: snkrsporn.com
If you want to support my work also on: patreon.com/igiveyousnkrs