The GᴀʙMʏᴜTᴠͶ YTP Ent.

Welcome to the home of "SoS WoW related" YTPs since 2015.

Myuacc1 (Pat) is not only a pooper, but also sometimes an animator, possible future PlushTuber, former movie spoofer/TonyWDA-style crossover artist/GoAnimate video maker, founder and occasional poster of Nelvana Out of Context/AnimeBroMii Out of Context, maker of "Only from SoS WoW", fan of Sugar, Ginger and Pepper from Urusei Yatsura, regreter of Hand at Work, and recurring Annoverse joke. GᴀʙʀɪΛɴTCƎ (Gabrian) is a fan of cartoo-nime collection, makes musical mashups, he's also even a videogame/kemono/furry addict but not only that, sometimes he's almost musically obsessed with Vaporwave/Future Funk nowadays.

⚠️ Swearing, epilepsy seizures, comedy humor, ear-rapes, AI voices, anime chances and some sexual references warning. We won't recommend subscribing if you're under 13 years old. -___-

(TᴠͶ = Television Network with a mirrored "N".)


Shared 10 months ago