The Scorpio Scriptures - Master J

Jay Le "Master J" Is a High Priest who runs the Scorpio Scriptures Healing Organization In South East Asia founded in Vietnam. He is a graduate from Pima Medical Institute with a Radiation Science degree and retired from the field back in 2020.

After awakening to his spiritual gifts, he moved to his home country Vietnam where he served the people of Gio Linh, Quang Tri Province and began his journey as a Shaman and Spiritual Teacher.

Using his natural understanding in chakra flow, qi points and modern medicine he became a advocated of holistic health amongst the people of the community.

However after a few years of service & counseling, the desire to help others using love and astrology awoke in him after meeting his Twin Flame.

Inspired by her love, thus began the creation of "The Scorpio Scriptures Podcast."

Focused on helping those in their relations with understanding Scorpios.

"Astrology, All Things Scorpio Related, And the Expansion of Consciousness."
- Master J