The goal of On Ramp Discipleship is to provide newly converted Christians with personalized, foundational Christian teachings. The three pillars of kingdom living—Revelation, Relationships, and Righteousness—form the basis of this workbook. In order to help the new follower comprehend what God has done in them, to them, and for them, each On Ramp video lecture builds upon the previous one. They will gain understanding as they embark on their daily Reality of discipleship by assimilating these three pillars. Although a workbook can be bought on Amazon, a full-length flip-book can be accessed for free via the link on the On Ramp 101's homepage. The creator of the workbook "On Ramp: New Direction for the New Believer" also serves as the instructor of this online course. Your Instructor is also the author of "Why God Became a Man: His Eternal Purpose Through Jesus Christ". See the link for a more detailed description