3DS Max, Photoshop, Flash ,After Effects and Cryengine are in my current game development workflow. I am a university student who is looking to make a team who can create an original IP for multiple platforms. If you are interested in joining my team just message myself and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
I Specialise in 3D modelling but I am growing into a 3D Junior artist role because my custom textures are rapidly improving. I have a fundamental knowledge of the games Industry further knowledge down the timeline than Pacman. I am an approach-able guy who is very ambitious.
I have basic fundamental skills in areas such as story making, gameplay mechanisms, concept art, audio (Foley implementable). These areas are very basic but my lecturers at uni are rapidly teaching new techiques and delivering good content so my skills should be even better as time goes on.
Enjoy my videos, I am no expert.. just a rookie for now.
Shared 12 years ago
Shared 12 years ago