Hey there!

I’m Noe and I have always been passionate about nutrition and its incredible relationship with health, wellness, and emotional and mental balance.

My journey through the fascinating world of food began years ago. After trying a multitude of types of diets, consulting with nutritionists and health experts, and exploring what kinds of practices work for me and allow me to feel energized and healthy, I have decided to share my favorite recipes and my lifestyle that is based on seeking vitality, energy and well-being through diet, sports, and healthy habits.

The objective of Bring Up Berries is very simple: to live a full and balanced life incorporating habits, disciplines, and foods with which your well-being, performance, personal growth, energy, and emotional health improve day by day, without sacrificing the pleasure of making simple and delicious meals, avoiding restrictive and dangerous diets that promote anxiety, lack of self-esteem, insecurity, and disease.