Ricardo Martinez

(Boxing Record: 70 - 0) #1 P4P Best Boxer in Hajime No Ippo #Mexico #HajimeNoIppo πŸ‡²πŸ‡½ WBA World Featherweight Champion: Ricardo "El Diablo" Martinez

I upload/re-upload Hajime No Ippo Manga videos (And I Save them like a Library for the Hajime No Ippo Community). As you can tell my favorite characters are Ricardo and Ippo. I would like for the final battle of the Hajime No Ippo Manga to be Ippo Makunouchi vs Ricardo Martinez

[This Channel saves HNI MMVs from Other Channels. Please note that this is all George Morikawa's Manga/Work. Around 2018-2019 HNI manga videos from every channel were taken down] I am just a re-uploader!


Shared 5 years ago