John St Julien Baba Wanyama

Welcome to the channel. I am John, my birth name is St Julien. BabaWanyama means "Father to the animals.." a name given in Tanzania for the hundreds of street dogs we have rescued and the shelter we have for them.
Here I share The spiritual truth I have come to live by. Starting with a 40 day water fast that changed my life forever. I often discuss the fallen world/matrix, in which we have all incarnated. How to overcome that world and its spiritual rulers, and with it the mind, its duality and the energy extraction matrix it connects us too.

The mystic interpretations of the scripture, the science of the sacred secretion, or the Christ within all men, has lead my life the last 11 years. In that time a vision I followed saw me in Tanzania alone, having followed 11:11 blindly. Today the charity I founded, The Creator Share Foundation, with the support of this community, is guardian to over 150 special needs children without families at our Children's village we built together here x