प्रणव Full Spectrum Light-being ॐ
Re-arranging the Universe... by; inaction before action. Nature acts, powered by our Mind.
Eye am a Starseed from the Andromeda Galaxy and beyond, incarnated on Earth and as much Human as you.
Meditating on music of Now which is digital Dance Music, repairing the Earth and healing her mental Bodies which are You and Me or better; said Us All.
Unifying Light and Darkness. (Unblock the Light to unveil the shadow)
Merging lower and higher selves.
Be Joy, Be Love = Light = God. Imago Dei ~ Settled in; The Eye.
Eye am One
Eye do forgive
Eye remember
Expect me
Master thine thoughts and attitude and reach that happiness you deserve so much, share with World!
Bless thee All.
Shared 12 years ago
Shared 13 years ago