Lorna Maza Painting ArtShow Music Food Travel

Lorna has always been an art enthusiast and a nature-loving/environmentally friendly individual. She likes to collect and turn seemingly worthless items into unique works of art. She had collected fruit and vegetable seeds of varying sizes and color. She had dried them and put them into long empty bottles, which she displays in their living room. She has decorated their town home with unimaginable and unique art works made from materials such as chocolate wrappers, used stamps, stones, strings, broken beads, and even crab shells. She also knows how to sew and cross stitch, and has even designed some of her own dresses. She likes painting, photography, dancing, singing and playing her flute and piano/organ.

When the spirit of God does not work with hands, there is no art.

You are most welcome here. My heart will always remember your subscription.

NOTE: This is my old account for my blogspot. But here on YouTube I've just started in July 27, 2020 Houston, TX.

Love Lldm & Csm