Silence Silvermoon

Silence was originally in 2006 before the release of TBC. The progress in TBC varied from being among the top 3 guilds on the server to a staggering world 7th kill on Lady Vashj.

During WotLK, Silence was top 3 on the server up to Trial of the Crusader. Just before releasing next raiding instance the guild was reduced to merely a social guild.
This lasted until the latter part of Cataclysm, when old officers and raiders of Silence came back to the game and wanted to reignite what was once one of the greatest guilds on Silvermoon.

Silence reformed as a raiding guild in the very end of Cataclysm, we started out as 10-man, cleared Dragon Soul heroic and immediately went up to 25-man, preparing for Mists of Pandaria. There has been ups and downs, but we've always managed to pull through. Our ranks have kept rising from being a mediocre raiding guild towards the end when we've proven ourselves to call ourselves hardcore to a certain level.
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Shared 4 years ago