Hey everyone, this channel is for viewing the entries to the first-ever Xtranormal movie contest, taking place throughout February. With so many recent Xtranormal viral movies on the Internet, we thought, why not do something to sweeten the pot a bit for those making a run at Internet stardom? So that's what this is all about: This February, someone's Xtranormal movie published to this YouTube channel will earn them $1000! Since February is the month of love, the theme of this movie contest is love and relationships, and the winner will be the "most loved" submission (i.e. the one with the most views on YouTube when the contest ends). We know what you're thinking -- finally, a case where a relationship leading to something "going viral" is a good thing! -- and that's just gross. To find out how to enter, just click here: www.xtranormal.com/valentines_contest
Shared 13 years ago