Anti Weather Modification

Weather Modification News: activism, information, reports and other info occassionally about protests.
I have been doing political / environmental activism since 1984.

GeoEngineering, Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), HAARP, Ionospheric Heaters, Solar Radiation Management (SRM), Weather Modification, Climate Modification, TMC-65, Taurus Molecular Cloud 65, Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCOPEX), Stratospheric Particle Injection for Climate Engineering (SPICE), Silver Iodide Cloud Seeding, Modification via Drones/UAV's, N. American Weather Modification Council (NAWMC), Weather Modification Inc., N. American Weather Consultants, Harvard, Carnegie, D. Keith, K. Caldeira, B. Gates, Carbon War Room, World Meteorological Organisation, Texas Weather Modification Associations, Idaho Power, N. CA Power Agency, Snowy Hydro (Aus.), Hail Suppression, Silver Lining Project, GROMET, Popeye, Project Cumulus and more.
Wolkenaussaat /Wetteränderung /d’ensemencement de nuages