Alex TheTetrisFan

"You know what I've learned last week. Conflicts may be destructive and can hurt, but they're also unavoidable and just an essential part of life. It's okay to have fights with loved ones, because resolving them is what make bonds stronger" - ABFan21

"You should always be positive and loving and
conflicts turn you into a monster." - AniMat

"Anger is not a bad thing, it depends how you use it. Who it's directed at. Our anger is our passion. Our sense of justice in a world. If someone like us buries it down, there's not much left for us to feel" - MePhone4S

"He's not my kid. He's not even my dog. If I had a dog and my dog had a kid and the dog's kid had a pet, then it would be Sid." - Manfred "Manny", 2006

"Sorry it took so long, pal. There was a lot of wood to go through. You know, it only works if you have every piece." - Mike Wazowski, 2001

"I have no idea how to breathe." - ASDFGuy, 2013

"What was that, Sandvich? "Kill them all"? Good idea!" - Heavy, 2007

Hi guys!