Welcome to the one, the only Samster Madness! Now better than ever before. We are celebrating 7,000+ subscribers, and over 1,000 videos to enjoy! Just so you know, this channel NEVER allows ANY hate comments, no getting an attitude on the comment section, or anything else that’s bad! Plus, never use my videos without permission, or else you will get a copyright strike from me. So please ask first.
Here are some upcoming attractions coming your way to the Samster Madness YouTube channel:
The Potato Splits: A Grand Getaway (Valentines Day 2025)
Raspberry & Sour’s Friendship Challenge - A Strawberry Shortcake Movie (July 8th, 2025)
Be hyped, be excited, and be sure to subscribe for more samsterifc videos!! :D


Shared 1 month ago



Shared 4 months ago