Master Chen is a 20th generation direct line descendant of the Chen Family in Chenjiagou (Chen Village), Henan Province, China. He is the eldest son of Grandmaster Chen Qingzhou. His form is a unique blend of Lao Jia "old form" learned by many of his Chen elders as well as passing on his fathers legacy of Lao Jia and 尊古 zun gu.
Master Chen is a four-time consecutive, Chen Village push hands champion, three times consecutively under confrontational rules (which have since been banned due to violence and injury). His distinguished career includes:
• China National Coach: Chen Family Taijiquan Forms, confrontational push hands, traditional
• Competition Judge: China national wushu forms, weapons, Chen Style push hands
• He has several feature videos, and is currently featured on the cover of December 2008 issue of T'ai Chi Magazine