
Around the world, music and dance have helped hold communities together over millennia.

o for our wellbeing, there is a pressing need to recover a focus on contentment and community. Music and dance can play a central role.

o Music's benefits are well documented and profound, yet -at a time of impending mass unemployment- educational budgets are being dramatically cut. HUGE mistake.

This project addresses three grave challenges in social/community/DIY music:

o the ‘missing’ (visual) dimension
- augments sight, ear and touch learning with a visual dimension, exposing underlying musical structures essential to understanding

o the displacement (by technology) of the live, virtuoso musician from the learning epicentre
- provides an environment supporting musicians in reclaiming their central role in teaching: but online, and P2P.

o dramatic loss of musical diversity
- attempts to build “bridges of understanding” between world musical cultures.