
β€œDrem yol lok! Greetings!” - Paarthurnax

My name is Odah and it’s a pleasure to have you join this adventure with me!

I stream Skyrim on twitch too if you would like to join in and watch! I would appreciate that! My username ( odahdragonborn )

I also play ESO (Elder Scrolls online)! Feel free to add me and we can play together!
My friend code is _____ (will add later)

Desc abt irl me:
Name: No.
Age: No.
Country: Earth
Gender: I’m female
Religion: Proud Christian
Taken? Yes!πŸ’— So leave me alone.

β€’ I play Skyrim and ESO on my Xbox one!
β€’ Sometimes I will post or stream other games (like COD or MC!)
β€’ Sometimes I stream irl!

Adult language is allowed just don’t use it at me or my fans! :)
Do not ask me personal questions.
Don’t beg to be a mod on my streams.
Don’t judge my religion.
Don’t spread lgbtq propaganda or furries/therians. πŸ™πŸ»
No bullies or rude ppl. (Leave the past where it belongs.)

~Odah left the desc