Co-Founder of the soon to be smash hit popular, widestream, awsome T.R.I. productions! Co-FOunders & Editors include TZ "T-Lento" (pronounced "talento") & Nathan "Nath Daddy Dollars."
This Channel also includes personal shorts, old MannyX200 solo productions, and family and friends home videos, creations, and misc.
UPDATE: This channel has grown and changed quite a bit from its original roots. Now the channel has expanded to cater the videos and events dealing with the Salsa Dance Company I have now been part of...the FLorida State University Corazon Salsa Dancers.
I hope to soon be able to make a Corazon specific page: it will have announcements, dance steps, videos, and performance, promotions, and much much more! Be on the look out for that too!