Lip Forensics is an electronic duo from Athens Greece. Created by two long time members of the Athenian alternative music scene, the duo has set out to explore the vast spectrum of electronic music. In 2019 the duo released its debut EP “Cheiloscopy” (Amour Records) on a limited edition run of white and clear 12-inch vinyl. “Cheiloscopy” was met with enthusiasm in the Athenian scene, leading them to appear in prestigious events such as Release festival, Sonar Athens. The duo spent the lockdown recording new material for its full-length LP "APOPHENIA" which was released in vynil by Veego Records. Following the release, Lip Forensics continued its strong live presence, leading to the opening slot for The Prodigy and Primal Scream in Release Festival 2023. Lip Forensics encapsulates their dreamy and eerie musical and soundscape universe into mesmerizing images, crafting their own self produced distinctive video clip for their single "Different" ft. Irene Skylakaki on April 2024.