Abandoned Urbex Canada

Exploring abandoned, historic and interesting places in Canada. History lover and explorer.

I always get permission to explore. Some locations are public and some are not. If not open to the public always get permission from owner, developer, demo crew, bank or township to explore abandoned places. Exploring abandoned places is dangerous.

Featured in: Readers Digest Magazine X3, Readers Digest Canada, Our Canada Magazine, CTV Television Network, University of Ontario Institute of Technology guest speaker, Urban Leak - Urban Explorers, blogTO and Fresh Daily Inc.

Abandoned Urbex Canada also inspired the Motion Picture Horror Film "Red Woods"
Trailer - youtube.com/watch?v=B47419mGOWI
Movie Website - www.redwoodsmassacre.com

Abandoned Urbex Canada also inspired a Novel by Author T.F.M. - A Spine Chilling Horror Story "Unearthly Abandoned" (Amazon)