Welcome to TaintedTownMusic your place for the music of Silent Hill, music inspired by the games, and even music from other horror games.
My name is Reiner, I first played Silent Hill in 2003, it was Silent Hill 2, I fell in love with the series, and in 2011 started this channel uploading any music I could come across.
The channel has music from all the games in the form of OST, CST, and special soundtracks such as unused tracks.
I, among anyone dropping by this channel, have always enjoyed horror games and movies, and strove to make a channel where such spooky and sinister tracks would come to life.
In 2016 I started creating my own music for the series, and have released 37 ambient albums with Yelp from other artists such as Drackfreeee, Avith Ortega, and Several Vocalists.
Music is my life, so I hope you can find some scary tunes on this channel that keep you awake at night, because that's my goal ^_^
If you need to discuss anything with me, email me at king.reiner@yahoo.com
Shared 3 years ago
Shared 3 years ago