Disabled Weaving content!!! This channel includes weaving projects, cat content, support, etc.

Featuring: Penelope Calico, and Hades Himbo, who serve as medical alert and emotional support cats. These two are jokingly referred to as the HR and OSHA of Hawksong Weaving.

I work exclusively with thrift store or secondhand yarn (no, not taking apart sweaters or blankets, just utilizing the odd balls of yarn that get donated or gifted) in a way that allows tattered and worn yarn to shine. This process serves to remind me and others that just because you’ve been worn down by life and pierced back together a few times, doesn’t mean you don’t have value, and that it’s okay to be gentle with yourself while piecing things back together.

ALSO: I'm one of the founders of Mill River Marginalized Artist Collective, a new collectively owned nonprofit providing support for marginalized artists by marginalized artists in Western Massachusetts. Please follow us via: linktr.ee/mrmacollective