RAPED CHRIST is a black n'roll beast summoned into being in mid-2012 in Szczecin, Poland by Cmentarz (vomit), Papież Pedofil (guitar/howling), Grzech (drums) & Mistrz (bass). So far played gigs with, among others: VENOM INC., NUNSLAUGHTER, PLAGA, ISVIND, FUNERAL WINDS, THE STONE & FREEZING BLOOD. Demo MCD "Possessed Whore" (2014) released by HELLFIRE REC. & SOCIETAS OCULORUM ARCANORUM, avalaible from the publishers or directly at rapedchrist666@gmail.com.
October 2015: NUNSLAUGHTER/RAPED CHRIST live split 7" "Christ Slaughter" released on NUNSLAUGHTER REC. Recorded at a gig in RAPED CHRIST's hometown Szczecin.