Wittgenstein Initiative

The Wittgenstein Initiative is a Vienna-based international forum that aspires to make present in the city of his birth Ludwig Wittgenstein, one of the greatest thinkers and most remarkable individuals of the 20th century. We aim to demonstrate Wittgenstein’s present-day relevance in various areas of public and private life and bring his cultural legacy to the general public.
Wittgenstein’s philosophy is not a theory – it is an activity. It urges us to constant self- scrutiny, in order to be able to independently think for ourselves. This practice brings insights into the most basic and seemingly self-evident questions and often shows us unexpected answers. This is the prerequisite for open dialogue that can lead to genuine social and cultural renewal in these trying times. Wittgenstein also shows us how language is used and misused, and in so many different ways shapes our relation to the world and our social contexts.


Shared 8 years ago



Shared 10 years ago