ABP Majha (ABP माझा) is a 24-hour Marathi news channel in India. The Mumbai-based company was launched on 22 June 2007. The channel is owned by ABP Group. Star Majha was renamed as ABP Majha on 1 June 2012. Saat Barachya Batmya (सात बाराच्या बातम्या) and माझा कट्टा (Majha Katta) are two of the many important programs on the channel. ABP Majha is a Marathi news hub which provides you with the comprehensive up-to-date news coverage from Maharashtra, all over India and the world. Get the latest top stories, current affairs, sports, business, entertainment, politics, spirituality, and many more here only on ABP Majha in Marathi language. The vision of the channel promises to keep each individual ahead and informed. ABP Majha is best defined as a responsible channel with a fair and balanced approach that combines prompt reporting with insightful analysis of news and current affairs.


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