Hans van der Kwast

This channel contains Open Educational Resources (OER) on open source GIS, made by Hans van der Kwast. Hans is an Associate Professor of Open Science and Digital Innovation at IHE Delft Institute for Water Education (www.un-ihe.org) and owner of QWAST-GIS (www.qwast-gis.com).

The channel also contains videos of the exercises in the book "QGIS for Hydrological Applications - Recipes for Catchment Hydrology and Water Management" by Kurt Menke and Hans van der Kwast. More information about the book can be found at the website of Locate Press: www.locatepress.com/hyd2.

Free step-by-step tutorials can be found at the GIS OpenCourseWare Platfrom: courses.gisopencourseware.org

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