I am the mighty JESUS OBAMA, THE 1ST BIRACIAL (Half GOD / Half HUMAN) President here to save you all. New World Order? No problem. Illuminati? No problem. Just get on yo knees, juggle my nutz and
chant "CHAAANGE" or
"YES WE CAAAAAAAAAAAN" like the mindless brainwashed zombie sheep followers that you are my children.
Thou shalt let thy holy spirit of cush shine bright upon thee
P.S. Now availble for purchase: Obama Action Figure, Obama Hammock, Obama Soap, Obama shampoo, & Obama Hairspray to represent the "CHANGE" In all of you
COMING SOON: Michelle Magdalene Tampon for Women with the need to "CHANGE" on the go
Oh, one more thing. Thou shall SUBSCRIBE to my channel or else thy shall burn in the fierce flames of HELL for all eternity. And yes, I LOVE YOU ALL.
- Jesus Obama