I am Baroness Lynne Fairchild and I'm here to share my various interests, including the study of blackwork embroidery in the 16th century. I love baking and dancing, among many other hobbies and interests. I will also include a sprinkling of other fun videos as well, such as heavy combat fighting and my husband's blacksmith videos!

I have been a historical reenactor since the late 1990s, working at Renaissance Festivals, performing for Madrigal Dinners, and participating in the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA). The SCA is an international non-profit organization devoted to the study and recreation of the years 600-1600 AD. It is from these various experiences that I have learned and grown my skills.

Follow along as I share my latest projects, research, experiences, and more!

Subscribe now to catch my upcoming videos. #lynnefairchild