Diarna ("Our Homes" in Judeo-Arabic), explores Jewish history through the prism of physical location by digitizing individual sites and memories. In 13 years, the project has documented nearly 3,000 sites from Morocco to Iran, amassed thousands of photographs and videos, conducted 60+ research expeditions, been featured Smithsonian Magazine, Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World, Newsweek & other publications, presented at academic conferences (Association of Jewish Studies, Center for Jewish History), and partnered with Wellesley College, the Alliance Israélite Universelle, Beit Hatfutsot: The Museum of the Jewish People, & Yad Ben-Zvi.

For "accomplish[ing] so much so quickly" and delivering "a huge impact for each dollar invested," Diarna has twice been recognized as one of the 50 most innovative Jewish projects in North America by the Slingshot Fund

Driven by a team with diverse backgrounds and outlooks, the project eschews politics to focus on collecting factual information.


Shared 2 years ago