I am an international swing dance instructor based in Denver, Colorado. July, 2014, I started a swing dance school called Swingin' Denver. With over 2,000 videos, we've been an enormous resources for swing dancers across the globe. If you ever feel like sending us a monetary thank you, we gladly accept via Venmo @swingindenver.

Nowadays, this channel features recap videos from our multiple classes, local workshops, and national workshops that Kenny teaches at with Delilah Williams and Jessica Nelson. Buried throughout this channel you can find more lindy hop, aerials, balboa, west coast swing and blues dancing class reviews, sights and spectacles from my world adventures, and random classes and performances by fellow dancers. If you're interested in hiring Kenny for your local workshop or event, please contact me via my website listed below.

Also, be sure to check out my swing school in Denver at www.swingindenver.com and www.instagram.com/swinginden.


Shared 2 years ago