Videos all about Albert the Labrador Retriever!

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Surname: Grand Prince Charming Albert I
Alias: Albert, Al, Alberto
Reason behind the name: His dad's name was Einstein because he had a huge head.
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Color: Yellow/Cream
DOB: March 28, 2003
Weight: 65 lbs.
Misc.: Albert was the largest among his three other brothers and resembled the most like his father. He also had 4 sisters. Albert was 7 weeks old when we brought him home from Riverside, California.
Hobbies: Playing fetch, singing, catching frisbees, eating, barking, begging, and napping.
Likes: Singing to the piano, posing for pictures, tug-o-war ropes, new toys (especially plushies), sunbathing, going on walks, and food (especially bananas).
Dislikes: Angry voices, rain, the hose, being teased or ignored, and bitter apple spray.