Official YouTube Account of YaMurshid.Com / Darbar e Ghousia Qadiria Tahiria (Bradford UK)

We will be uploading videos of Monthly Gyarween Shareef / URS Mubarak / Ladies Mehfil e Milads / Tours / Other Videos on this account.

We are working under the Guidance of Our Beloved Shaykh Qaasim e Faizan e Qudwatul Awliya His Eminence Hazoor Pir Syed Khalid Ali Tahiri Qadri (Sajjada Nasheen Darbar e Ghausia Qadiria Tahiria UK) and with the Spiritual Blessings of His Holliness, Shezada e Ghous ul Wara ' Qudwatul Awliya Shaykh ul Mashaikh Naqeeb ul Ashraaf, Hazoor Pir Syedna Tahir Allauddin al Qadri alGilani alBaghdadi (ra)