Hey everybody! I'm superfiend and I've been a gamer for 35 years. Check out my content and stick around if you enjoy it! Thanks!
54 videos
Malus Darkblade Mortal Empires Legendary Campaign Total War Warhammer 2
12 videos
Azhag the Slaughterer! Total War: Warhammer 2 Greenskins Rework
11 videos
Grom the Paunch 🍲 Total War: Warhammer 2 Mortal Empires
8 videos
Greenskins Rework Skarsnik Mortal Empires Campaign Warhammer 2
80 videos
Yuan Shu Legendary Campaign ● Total War Three Kingdoms
45 videos
Sun Ce Total War Three Kingdoms A World Betrayed Campaign
38 videos
Yan Baihu The White Tiger Total War Three Kingdoms A World Betrayed
71 videos
Markus Wulfhart Warhammer 2 The Hunter and The Beast
43 videos
Nakai the Wanderer Warhammer 2 The Hunter and The Beast
-1 video
Total War Warhammer 2 Legendary Campaign Guides
39 videos
Darkest Dungeon Series
88 videos
Total War Three Kingdoms Huang Shao Campaign
63 videos
Cylostra Direfin Mortal Empires Campaign ● Total War Warhammer 2 Legendary Difficulty
41 videos
Legendary Grand Hierophant Khatep Tomb Kings Total War Warhammer 2 Vortex Campaign
Frostpunk ● Hard Difficulty ● A New Home
77 videos
Legendary Ungrim Ironfist Mortal Empires Karak Kadrin Campaign ● Total War Warhammer 2
7 videos
Order and No Deaths Frostpunk The Fall of Winterhome Hard Difficulty Playthrough
3 videos
Frostpunk Fall of Winterhome New Release Series
95 videos
Teclis Legendary Campaign - Let's Play Total War Warhammer 2 Order of the Loremasters
Let's Play Frostpunk ● City Survival in a Frozen Wasteland
58 videos
Morathi Legendary Campaign - Let's Play Total War: Warhammer 2 Cult of Pleasure
4 videos
Total War Warhammer 2 Tutorials
52 videos
Throgg the Troll King Legendary Campaign - Let's Play Total War Warhammer Wintertooth
Skarsnik Legendary Campaign - Let's Play Total War Warhammer Crooked Moon
2 videos
Planet Coaster Steam Workshop
Planet Coaster Teaching Assistant POVs
Technical Difficulties - Legendary Skarsnik Campaign