My name is J.G.M. Davi. I'm a filmmaker, musician, writer, and political commentator. I'm also a libertarian, a freethinker, and a skeptic. I enjoy reading, writing, watching movies, performing music, standup comedy, drawing, and working on the computer. My favorite subjects include evolutionary psychology, anthropology, political science, economic history, popular culture, and neuroscience.
The J.G.M. Davi Channel covers many topics. Here are the main ones:
Albert Ellis
Free State Project
Gatewood Galbraith
Kentucky politics
Rand Paul & Ron Paul
Two-party system
Indie filmmaking/low-budget movies
Musical parody and comedy
Home movies
All contents of this channel copyright 2007-2013 by J.G.M. Davi. All rights reserved.
Shared 15 years ago