S.Ø.R. Music | Telling stories through music inspired by Indie Genres and Psychedelic Pop | Check out our latest single, "Midnight Daydream."
Who is S.Ø.R.?
Well, we are. Hi!
S.Ø.R. is a content and music production duo made up of Erik Sørensen and Austin Perkins. In short, we make music. More than that, however, our goal is to create a unique experience that combines concept art, music, and story telling into one final product. Really, all we want to do is create something we would be interested in ourselves, and hopefully connect with some people along the way.
If you would like to reach out to us, please send an E-mail to sormusiccontact@gmail.com or follow S.Ø.R. on social media!
Stay tuned for more music on the way shortly!
Erik and Austin
Songs Released:
Midnight Daydream - December 20th, 2017
Shared 6 years ago