About Us:
Central Music and Video is CMV's short form. CMV started in 2001 in the Bengali music sector to promote good Bengali entertainment all over the world. CMV has a keen interest in quality music and entertainment. So, we believe CMV means quality. CMV family and its owner SK Shahed Ali Pappu are working hard to ensure quality music production for the upcoming generation. You guys are always welcome on our official channel. We hope you'll find some good music as well as an entertainment source. Subscribe to our channel and stay with us.

Subscribe Now: bit.ly/2YPCfAc

▶Facebook : www.facebook.com/CMVBD
▶Instagram : www.instagram.com/cmv_music
▶Twiter : twitter.com/cmvmusicsocial
▶Website : cmvbd.com

🗺 Address: 17/2, New Eskaton Road [3rd Floor], Mogbazar, Dhaka 1000

For any info: cmvbd22@gmail.com

© Copyright 2022 - CMV