Heather Abbott (RedCapeGirl)

Welcome to my Page: (RedCapeDesigns)
Check out my other pages too!

-My passions are:

*Vidding and Editing-i love creating and connecting pieces of music of all genres from lyric to scenes and pictures in tv
and film across a myriad of fandoms!

*Music & Poetry-was a music major and loved orchestrating small pieces for piano and trumpet! And to me poetry and music can go hand and hand!

*Teaching English & Literature (school teacher in MD for 9 yrs!), create stories, edit and review entertainment blogs
and pop culture as a freelance writer. (If u are in need of a writer check out my linkedin page link above for a full
resume and samples of my work!)

*Art & Photography-I have always loved drawing and creating art through various mediums rather it be
creating mosaics, doing collages, or taking photos & creating them into something magical through media editing!

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