The Flat Top King

Hi! I'm Neal, and welcome to our YouTube channel! Here you'll find easy to follow griddle recipes, griddle cooking tips for beginners, and griddle reviews - we also throw in a few smoker or Weber kettle charcoal grill videos every now and then, too.

My wife (the camera woman) and I try to post two new videos each week, so you've always got some new griddle recipe inspiration - and we love hearing from you when you make our recipes, so be sure to leave us a comment below the videos!

My ultimate goal is to teach you how to make amazing meals for your family on your Blackstone griddle or other flat top grill, and we try to do it in a way that's both easy to understand and entertaining... so come hang with us on our back porch!

For our griddle recipes visit:
For business inquiries:

Fan Mail:
The Flat Top King
PO Box 23661
Knoxville, TN 37933


Shared 3 months ago