Dr.Bruces Geology and Other Curiosities

A mix of videos dealing with aspects of geology which are not commonly known and are also of particular interest to the creator. There are three main topics, early phonographic recordings, most on brown wax cylinder records and recorded in the late 19th century. The second "main topic" is paleontology/geology and consists of videos shot by and/or made by B. L. Stinchcomb. These again deal with topics which are generally not represented on U-tube like the Video "Written in the Hills" which deals with the geology of the Ozark Uplift of Missouri and Arkansas. The third topic is history, with an emphasis on resources of the Stinchcomb family. Here under Stinchcomb, Schlueter, recordings of period music from vintage records are used as accompanying music.If you eenjoy our content and apreciate our work please consider donating any of the following:
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