Counter the banality of much modern Christian worship with some stunning sacred music sung by English Cathedral and Collegiate Choirs.
All works remain copyright of their respective copyright holders. If any of the choral institutions or broadcasters featured have any objections to this content being here, I will remove it. In the meantime, go to your favourite online CD store and show your support for these choirs!
The old Winchester VHS tape (with 14 choral pieces) can now be found here:
Please do support that channel!
Apologies for the fluttering sound on some recordings - these tapes are old now and the tracking is not very good.
I digitised the old TV recordings from off VHS many years ago with PCI Hauppauge WinTV cards using lossless PCM audio and Huffyuv video and then compressed with VirtualDub using MP3 audio and DivX 3 or 5 video (or even Intel Indeo 4 or 5) in AVI format depending on their age. Seems so long ago...!