Captain Chris Pizzo

During World War II, a little known, easy to use and easy to remember method of personal protection was developed called "Close Combat Training".

Stripping away all the ceremony and complex movements of traditional martial arts and self defense, it was first proven by British Commandos to retake the streets of criminally-controlled Shanghai followed by a perfect service record battling the fanatical Nazi regime.

What makes Close Combat Training so effective is it's principle use of gross-motor (large muscle group) movements to deliver "one-strike" knockouts, bone-breaks, and barehanded weapon disarms against any number of attackers. Documented reports show that this can all be achieved by anyone regardless of your age, strength, or current physical ability.

Life-long martial artist and award-winning educator Captain Chris Pizzo was tasked by its last living masters to improve the health, abilities, and martial skills of those that do not have expert instruction readily available.