My name is Blake FUNGAMES, I am only 16 years old and this is my youtube channel for games and videos. Comments are monitored and have to be approved.I upload and edit my videos. I like to play games and upload them for fun.
My favourite youtubers are Alex,Sketch,The Pals,Guavajuice,karnage pro,Poke,Zachary,JD,tofuu,TwiistedPandora,TheMonkey,Hyper,IiFaNTIK,Ant,ZNac,Defiled mark,guavajuce2,ZephPlayz,0_0,Crainer,Teah & Crainer - Minecraft,NO_DATA,pewdiepie,healthy junk food,ehbeefamily,cringles,GuavaGames,buur,Lumber Universe,Kelly Atkinson,noahj456,TheMinecraftGuy123,DANTDM,KSI,Deji,Oli White,KSIOlajidebtHD,MoreSidemen,AnEsonGib,Infinite,Maven 2.0,SeeDeng,MoreWolfie,Tia Plays Games,Hyper-Roblox,Crainer Roblox,Mango Slicer,Adam B,Bandikes gaming,Johnny Carey,Willne,Miss Bee,Imbrandonfarris,Apple,Zerkaa,Mrbro,MrBeast and I hope you enjoy :0)
Shared 7 years ago