Current Project - Project NDX

Hey everyone, Index here ヽ( >ヮ<)ゝ

My channel will mainly cover underrated / hasn't been localized psp games --

-a definite walkthrough (explaining some stuff along the gameplay as well).

That being said, I'll take my time to learn how to properly play a game before uploading a walkthrough, otherwise it's not a walkthrough at all. Also, time for putting up annotations and relevant links needed for the game ie items, side quests translations.

I will try my best to reply to all the people who take their time to comment my videos. So don't be afraid to ask me something I'm here for you.

I don't bite, I promise! く(๑•̀‧̫•́๑)

1. Why is Index on youtube uploading games?

Touma won't play with me (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)

2. Computer specs: (someone gave this box thingy as a present :3)

Win8 pro 64bit

i7 3770k IB Quad-Core 4.5 ghz

32 GB of 1866Mhz DDR CV RAM

Nvidia GeForce GTX 680 2GB

Sony VP 12
fraps & xsplit