Lamour, club and record label based in Sweden since 2008, with focus on curating multi-creative artistic crossings for musicians, artists and audience.

Lamour run club nights and a record label within a broad scope of electronic music culture. Expanding expressions within dance related electronica, poppy electro, dark ambient, contemporary art music, improvised live-electronic music and electroacoustic music.

• Club Lamour is nonprofit organization
• Lamour records is a company run by Viktor “Slim Vic” Zeidner

BACKHISTORY. Lamour was formed in 2008 by DJ Slim Vic as a club for new and upcoming electronica artists, DJs and VJ’s. In 2011 the club moved to Fylkingen in Stockholm and since then the promotion of a broad span of electronic culture is the main purpose of the activities. Slim Vic have joined forces with curator and musician Thomas Bjelkeborn to ensure a limitless, vivid, relaxed and international feel to the club. 2013 the club returned to Gävle parallel with Stockho