I guess I'll mostlly be posting AMVs on here, and some slideshows. My favorite animes are Rozen Maiden, FMA, Noir, and Angelic Layer, so you'll be seeing alot of that. Enjoy!!
And, eventually I think I might put up some Naruto AMVs, but at the moment I'm too lazy to go through the whole series to find clips for an AMV...
Oh, and on all of my videos, I have to put a MAJOR spoiler warning...so If you don't want to know what happens, don't watch the vid! (if you don't care, than by all means! Watch 'em!)
And lately I've been thinking...
If Kimblee and Envy (from the FullMetal Alchemist Manga) went out, would one of them be gay? Or both? Or neither?
Shared 16 years ago